How IAM Solutions Can Help Non-Profit Organizations

Transform Your User Management Processes with Tools4ever’s Cutting-Edge User Provisioning Solutions.

In the Non-Profit sector, it is not uncommon for the IT department to be faced with cutbacks and staff reductions. IT managers are constantly searching for ways to reduce time consuming manual IT processes and work smarter with a shrinking budget. One proven way Non-Profit organizations can save time and money is by implementing Identity and Access Management solutions. Identity and Access Management software can reduce calls to the help desk and streamline the user provisioning process.

Password Management is an important part of an IAM suite. It is reported that on average 25% of all calls to the help desk are for password related requests. Implementing a password management solution, such as a self-service password reset, can reduce help desk tickets for reset requests up to 90%.

Self Service Password Reset enables end users to reset their active directory password by correctly answering a set of predefined questions. This method reduces time the IT department has to spend resetting passwords while simultaneously increasing end user productivity.

In addition to Password Management, another significant IAM solution is Automatic User Provisioning. This feature allows for a completely automated way to sync source system data with network based data. Several tasks that are performed with this method include; new employee creation, employee name change, department changes and disabling accounts.

Implementing Automatic User Provisioning can lead to direct cost savings for any Non-Profit organization. There will no longer be a need for a large IT staff because the account management burden will be decreased. Less specialized staff will be needed since Automatic User Provisioning simplifies previously complex actions. Savings will also come through ex- employee resources, by drastically reducing the network with inactive user accounts.

To learn more about our solutions for non-profit organizations.

Boost Your User Management with Tools4ever’s Solutions! Discover the Power of Advanced User Provisioning.